Friday, October 1, 2010

"Worship is all that we are, responding to all that HE is."

Well, it's raining again. So much for that glorious sunshine. I think I may even be getting just slightly claustrophobic being surrounded by all these gray clouds. haha.
This morning, after going to get my clothes from the dryer, found out that they were indeed, still wet. And not having 20 pence to pay for another 10 minutes, had to leave with them damp. They are now hanging as close to the space heater as possible. What a life.
This morning is either Work or Seminar morning. I am on team B so I got to go to the seminar. It's basically 4 hours of listening to a speaker. It was good, but ohhhhh man was I getting fidgity...let me out of here! Carolyn the outreach director spoke on Worship and planning services. It was really interesting and I learned a lot about what "worship" is and how it's done differently and what it really means to come back to "the heart" of worship.

Now I'm just sitting in my room listening to music, reading the 6 chapters of bible that needs to be read today while listening to Hillsong United. Did I mention we were reading through the entire new testament? Or that we are also reading through the entire new testament? Or that we have to memorize the books of the bible in order? And also 20 verses from all over the bible? Yeah...I didn't think I did.

Regular "school" starts on Monday...I'm excited to see what we'll do but not looking foward to all the assignments. Oh geez, welcome to college level work Katie. :)

This weekend some friends and I are going to walk into Carnforth and hang out, window shop (since we're poor international students), and then go eat delicious Chinese food at one of the restaurants there. Hopefully I'll be able to get internet I will post some pics.

Miss you! Be good and make good choices today!

1 comment:

  1. Did you mean you were reading through the old testament and the new? Not just the new twice?
    You can memorize the books of the Bible like the kids a song. Remember that little video we used to watch with the mouse, I think his name was Rever. I still have that song in my head...though not complete. Put it to a song and it will be easier. I have one to Turkey in the Straw if you want me to find it for you:) Love, Mom
