Monday, October 18, 2010

Well let's see here....

Hey friends!
It's been awhile since I've written, so here's the deal on what's been going on inside the life of Katie MacDonald.
Well, Friday was a pretty chill day. I mostly spent it going on walks and hanging out with my roomies. It also involved lots of pictures which in turn involved lots of jumping...and heel clicking....yeah.
Next we headed to The Capernwray Story, where we learned how Capernwray came to be and why it was built. Did you know the entire Manor was built for the Marton family, all 8 of them. They decided they needed a bigger house...ummmyeah. :) After listening to Mrs. Thomas, wife of Major Ian Thomas who started the whole thing, speak about how Capernwray was purchased and so on, we watched a hilarious video made in the 60s. At first it was just a silent film, until a rather hilarious gentlemen decided to commentary the whole thing. That just made it even better.
Saturday started off with waking up at the un-beautiful hour of...8:30, (hey- when it's your only day off to sleep in, 8:30 is early ok?), to do some ZUMBA! Aerobic dance class basically. I sure had no idea what I was doing but it sure was fun! After that we had brunch, and then comes the most exciting part of my day off.....homework! Well ok, it wasn't actually due until 2 weeks from then but I decided to get a head start. Wow- I'm learning more already :P One lady who came to tell us how to do all our assignments told us to reward ourselves with things when we get stuff done....and that didn't include chocolate (boo) so I rewarded myself with a nice long nap. It was glorious. After that me and my friends walked around the loop. We then watched the epic Dodgeball was fantastic. Some of these kids are intense! And my roomie- Pam? She's an ABSOLUTE BEAST! Haha. She's fantastic.
Sunday wasn't really too exciting either, except for the part where Corinne and I ate so much bread at tea time that, even though we had walked the loop twice already, we walked around again! Gotta get rid of all those carbs somehow. :P My favorite part of Sunday however, was when we had mandatory quiet time to reflect on the last couple weeks and hang out with Jesus. It was totally something I needed and was absolutely glorious.
Well, that's basically it. We have a new guest lecturer from Scotland named John Allan and he's teaching us on the book of Ecclesiastes and Living in a Non-Christian world. He talks fast though, so there's no way I can fall asleep without missing something ;)
Miss you all!

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