“Only one person can live the Christian life: Jesus Christ, in the end, it will not matter how many things you did for God, how many people you converted, or how many good deeds you did in his name, but how much you allowed Him to live in you and work through you.”
Our speaker in church said this today and consequently, it’s exactly what I needed for the last part of my essay. PERFECT! This really struck me though, besides the fact that it was perfect for my paper, because I feel like since I’ve been here at Capernwray, I’ve been putting up this “perfect little Christian’ façade. When I realized that I truly cannot live the Christian life without Christ truly living in me and working through me, everything I do is useless. Only when I live my life through Christ and through him alone can I ever accomplish the work he has set out for me. What a great thing to learn. I am always learning. These next 6 months are totally going to rock my world.
Whoops. 5 months. 1 month ago I said good-bye to my mommy and daddy, standing in the parking lot crying my eyes out as they prayed for me. One month ago I had my bag go thorugh security 4 times because they kept seeing something sharp, which turned out to by my Crayons for my Princess Coloring book. One month ago I sat in the middle between 2 old ladies who didn’t like to talk, while trying not to cry because I already missed my mama and daddy. One month ago I left everything I ever knew behind for a grand new adventure that I couldn’t wait to start.
It’s incredible how much one month can do to your life.
I have learned so many things. I have learned how to live with 3 other people. I have learned how to get up just at the right time before breakfast. I have learned to never drink the instant coffee, and that Sheep are not cute animals. They’re stupid, wandering things who poop EVERYWHERE. I’ve learned that it’s not ideal to fall asleep during lectures when you’re in the 2nd row. I’ve learned that walking the Loop is not only beautiful, but great exercise. I’ve learned that green rolling hills in pictures are nothing compared to seeing the real things. I’ve learned that my life must be completely and overwhelmingly surrendered and filled by the most High God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. I’ve learned that God is enough. Plain and simple.
It’s crazy how much I’ve learned just in these few weeks. 30 days living surrounded by the presence of God can really change your life if you only let him. 30 days can test you, try you, break you, strengthen you, move you, change you. I can’t wait for the next 5 months.
Beautiful girl, you should write a book. :) I love reading your posts, you have so much insight on life!
ReplyDeleteKatie, I am so proud of you! You are learning a lot and you are adjusting to a very different place, community, people, food, way of travel.. etc. Stick with it with all your heart and you will grow even more. Being homesick is very hard and I wasted some time day dreaming about home but Trust me: you will be back before you know it. Take this opportunity to learn about a new culture or the other cultures around you; maybe even travel with a friend to their country. Let me know if you need anything from the states - i missed hot sauce terribly and chocolate. I am praying for you and loving your updates. If there is any way Ben or I can help - just let us know. I was in your shoes once and I remember all the excitement, sadness, lonlieness, adventure, etc.. Love you and Take notes on your lectures and you can always look back - I still have mine from 1997 :) LoveYou, Echo
ReplyDeleteHOT SAUCE! you have no idea how much I miss spicy food that makes your nose run and eyes water. Haha.Did they always eat potatoes when you were here? because I'm pretty sure we have some type of potato every single day...Haha.
ReplyDeleteI am absolutely loving it and can't wait to learn more! Im actually not too homesick, but I do miss my family. But I love it here so that makes everything better. I'm taking lots of notes and pictures and just taking it all in. We're traveling to Paris and Italy during Break so I can't wait to experience those cultures! Thanks for writing! Say hello to that wonderful little family of yours! :)