Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Day of lots of Turkey-eating!!
It feels so weird not being home right now. I woke up this morning and was waiting for Grandma Judy to make us breakfast, while we waited for the Thanksgiving day parade to turn on. But then I remembered that no, there is no Thanksgiving parade, and sadly, none of Grandma’s breakfast. Yay for cereal!

I also had classes today. I know! What is Thanksgiving when you have to go to school? Haha. It was pretty relaxing though, so it wasn’t too bad. I also had to lead a 45 minute discussion on a book in the New Testament written by Paul which I found out about on Tuesday…so that was fun. I led it on 2 Timothy, and I think it went pretty well. I love when Paul says: “But God did not give you a spirit of Timidity, but a Spirit of Power, of Love, and Self-discipline.”

After a light lunch to prepare us for the feast we’re having tonight, I went back and took…gasp! A nap! Who knew? ;) Now Corinne and I are going to look up stuff for our adventure in Lancaster tomorrow to see Harry Potter 7, and then Christmas planning on Saturday. Later, our friend Alyssa will come over and we’ll watch Pocahontas, to prepare us for…da da daaaa! The epic Capernwray battle of Indian vs. Pilgrim Capture the Flag!!! Apparently, that’s how we celebrate Thanksgiving over here in England. We’re all dressing up as Indians and Pilgrims and it’s going to be so fun! It’s not the same, but at least we get to do something about it. The Canadians aren’t too happy about it though, considering we did nothing to celebrate their Thanksgiving…did you even know that Canadians have a Thanksgiving? I didn’t :P Oh well. We’re all really excited to dress-up anyways. Oh college students.

Well I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving! Enjoy being with your family and friends, and eat LOTS of good food, because I will be living vicariously through you since I don’t get to eat all the fantastic-ness that Americans make on this wonderful day. I love and miss and am SO thankful for all of you!!!
Love, Katie

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