Thursday, December 16, 2010

Well, it’s all officially over.

1st term of course. This last week completely whizzed by so incredibly fast it was unreal. Nothing too exciting happened until Tuesday night, where we had our Christmas banquet. So fun! We got to dress up all fancy like and enjoy a good meal, better than Thanksgiving in my mind. The staff served us and everything was so delicious. We even got glass cups! Woo-hoo! I guess we’ve officially been deemed big kids now. ;) It was so fun to see everyone all dressed up and fancy, and all the boys looking quite dashing in their “formal” wear. It was a good night. We ended it with a Kailey, some awesome Scottish dancing that is just fantastic. A great way to end the term I believe.
Wednesday was absolutely crazy. We had one lecture in the morning which was basically just a “this is how you clean your room” lecture. From there we headed out to finish packing and deep-clean our rooms. However, being the procrastinator that I am, I just basically sat there until I knew I needed to start and just dove in. Spending 5 hours cleaning and packing is NOT how I would want to spend my day…at all! But, I succeeded, and our room was pristine and beautiful, and totally empty. It was really sad, especially since it meant that my lovely roomies were leaving me. Soon, it became time for those going to London to leave. It was so sad, and everyone was feeling it. What’s crazy is, this is only for 3 weeks. I don’t even want to imagine what it will be like at the end of school when I’ll probably never see most of them again. We’ve really grown into a family here, and I am absolutely loving it.

Today was just depressing. There’s only about 20 or so of us left here, and that’s including staff. The castle is quiet and empty and dark and scary and lonely. It isn’t fun. We keep running around yelling for everyone wondering where they’ve all gone. We started an easy day of work that lasted 2 hours of our time running around all the rooms throwing things away and getting dirty sheets. Once that was over and I said goodbye to my roomie Pam, we planned Christmas. I can now officially say that we have everything except for a place to stay in Paris done. Hooray for fast internet when everyone leaves!
This week will go by fast, and I am so excited to start traveling. We have Saturday and Sunday off and then 3 days of work before we head out. I can’t wait for all these adventures.
Well, I’m bored of writing. So I’m going to enjoy the fast internet while I still can.
Have a wonderful day!!

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